Best Opportunities in Healthcare for Women

Best Opportunities in Healthcare for Women

Yesterday, Forbes posted an interesting study by the author of Best Jobs for the 21st Century, Laurence Shatkin. The career expert analyzed Bureau of Labor Statistics reports to find the fastest-growing jobs for female workers. These are all fields where 70 percent or...
Eid-ul Fitr

Eid-ul Fitr

Eid-ul Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm). Eid-ul Fitr Eid-ul Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm). Eid is an Arabic word meaning...
Eid Al Adha

Eid Al Adha

At Eid al-Adha, many Muslims make a special effort to pray and listen to a sermon at a mosque. They also wear new clothes, visit family members and friends and may symbolically sacrifice an animal in an act known as qurbani. Eid Al Adha At Eid al-Adha, many Muslims...